Education for Abundant Living is a leading-edge global organization, passionately addressing belief,
behaviors and outcomes and guiding all to their infinite potential.

Our Mission
Education for Abundant Living is a leading-edge global organization, passionately addressing beliefs, behaviors, and outcomes in guiding all to their infinite potential.

Law of Attraction
We are like magnets. Our thoughts, expectations, attitudes, and beliefs attracts every person and everything that enters into our lives. Let’s take credit then for the positive as well as the negative.
Check out your current state of mind. Are there thought patterns and emotional states that border on worry, fear, depression? If so, what will show up are experiences that validates these thoughts. Have you ever wondered, “Why does this always happen to me?”
Conversely, a person with a dominant attitude of attractiveness, deserving, and prosperity will manifest those experiences that support these beliefs. “Of course this always happens to me, and I love it.”
Law of Right Thinking
Whoa! This law puts us squarely in the driver’s seat. We’re co-creators with Life knowing everything is twice created, once in mind then in manifestation. Rev. Cynthia James has an exercise where you list a few descriptors that as far back as you can remember have been true of you. I wrote: spiritual, happy, healthy and fun loving. Then she had us write, “And this is the unfolding of my day.” That card is on my mirror. It is a powerful example of beginning one’s day with the Law of Right Thinking. What would your list be?
Law of Cause and Effect
For we control freaks, we love this law. It says, what I do matters. It says I am incredibly influential in terms of my life destiny and experiences. There’s no victimization allowed. What you “see” is what you get. And you get to have a vision of a life that works for you, your family, people you love, folks you work with, even those you want to attract in to your life. Your vision, your ability to see your greatness and the awesomeness of those around you is the creative force in your life. Of course, that’s scary. We didn’t come to planet earth to play small. Now did we?

Rev. Dr. Kathleen Lenover, MEd, CFP, MCS, CFC, spent 13 years teaching as a Catholic Sister, 33 years a financial advisor, and more than 57 years as a licensed/ordained spiritual leader. She is the founding minister of Education for Abundant Living, an approved ministry in Centers for Spiritual Living and an acknowledged organization within the New Thought Movement.
Rev. Dr. Kathleen has been featured on the ABC Home Show, CBS Morning Show, National Public Radio, and was a columnist for Science of Mind Magazine. She is author of a white paper, What Women Want, a contributor to Cynthia James’ book, I Choose Me, and authored a forward to the cutting-edge book on investing, The Wealth Solution, Bringing Structure to Your Financial Life.
Kathleen was the founder of Education for Abundant Living. This is her legacy.
Purchase copies of
"I Am Perfect for This: Reflections for Entrepreneurs"
Rev. Dr. Kathleen Lenover invites readers on a journey through her life, her intense desire for personal growth, and her hunger to make a positive difference in the world.

The below column was republished in the February 2024 issue of
Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine to honor the launch
of Kathleen's long awaited book, "I Am Perfect For This".

How Can I Help or get involved?
* Buy Kathleen's book and write a review
* Consider joining the book study group - that may morph into a creative thinking group as Education for Abundant Living develops.
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